The HOTEL Yearbook (HYB) logo, and slogan are important expressions of HYB's brand identity. They have each been carefully designed and constructed to achieve visual harmony, should never be altered, modified, or redrawn. Because these elements are such recognizable and highly visible brand assets, it is vital that that they are always applied consistently.
These few simple rules will help you use the HYB logo and slogan to communicate the HYB brand most effectively.
The HYB Logo
This is the HYB logo. It is our primary graphic device and should be the first choice when choosing a graphic element representing the yearbook brand.
The HYB logo. Minimum digital size: 25 pixels (height)
Logo Anatomy
The HYB logo consists of a symbol and a slogan. The symbol can be used independently. The slogan however, can only be used in combination with the symbol.
Logo clearspace and margins
When using the logo in a design or placing it next to other visual elements, you should ensure that it has plenty of room to breathe. This is where clearspace and margins come in to play.
The logo’s clearspace defines the distance between the logo and any graphic element it may be sitting next to in a composition. Use the cap height from the wordmark as a reference for the appropriate clearspace. Cap height = X
For example: if you were to place the HYB logo, sized 30px tall, in a logo pool next to other logos, you should ensure that the HYB logo has at least 30px of clearspace on all sides.
Logo clearspace
Logo clearspace
This is the HYB symbol. The symbol can be used on its own in certain, very specific situations when the context and association with HYB is clearly established and controlled, or when the HYB brand is meant to take on a secondary, supporting role.
Symbol clearspace and margins
The same general rules for clearspace and margins that apply to the symbol and slogan also apply to the symbol. For clearspace, use the height of the middle ellipse (this matches the x-height of the wordmark) as a reference. For margins, use half the height of the middle ellipse (X/2) as the distance to the edge of a composition.
Color System
Color System using a black background
Color System using white/transparent background
HYB Symbol Font