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Terms & Conditions in a Nutshell

A short version of our Terms

Henri Roelings avatar
Written by Henri Roelings
Updated over 3 years ago

No Auto-Renewal!

Membership with Hospitality Net always runs for a period of one year, starting from the date as mentioned on your invoice. Membership never automatically renews. We will contact you one month prior to expiry to discuss possible renewal options.

Payment of Services

When buying a service from Hospitality Net, you can choose to pay online via credit card or by international money transfer (invoice). Unfortunately, we do not accept payments by check. If you pay via invoice, our payment term is net 30 days. Please note that your services will be delivered only once full payment has been received. So... the earlier you pay, the sooner your membership benefits start.

Content Credits

Any content credits which are not used at the end of your current membership are carried forward (remain valid) only in case you renew your membership prior to the membership end date.

Content Rights

Member acknowledges it has ownership of or has a license for all contents (text, video, and images) which the member publishes on Hospitality Net. As a client of Hospitality Net, you grant us a license to publish these contents on our network of websites and newsletters. By working with us, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Hospitality Net from and against any liability, cost, and expense incurred in connection with the publication of your contents on Hospitality Net. So... make sure you have a license to publish your photos and creatives on our platform!

Click here for the full version of our Terms & Conditions

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