To post an opinion article:
Log in to the Hsyndicate dashboard.
Click 'opinion article' in the left-side menu.
If the author does not yet exists please upload a head shot of the author by clicking 'add a new author'. Please make sure that the size of the image is at least 200 pixels wide and 200 pixels high (tip: a LinkedIn profile picture works fine as well).
Add the first name, the last name, the position, the biography and the social media links (website or blog, LinkedIn and Twitter) of the author and click 'save' and 'done'.
Enter the title of the opinion article and optionally the subtitle.
Select the date that the article should be posted. It is possible to select a date in the future, in this case the article will be posted by the Hsyndicate team on the selected date.
Then comes article where the actual article can be posted.
Add a contact by clicking on the '+' button. Select one of the existing contacts or add a new contact by clicking on 'add contact'. Fill out the required fields again and click on 'save'.
Add photos, videos, documents, events, charts and infographics by clicking on the '+' button. Select one of the categories followed by one of the existing files or ad a new file by clicking on 'upload a new'. Please take note of the format requirements when uploading a new file. It is possible to 'embed' a file in the article.
Add the geographic relevance of the article. Please note that global, country and state can be selected by clicking on the drop down box, city has to be entered manually.
Select an indepth topic by clicking on the drop down box. If there is no indepth topic related to the topic of the article leave the field empty.
Select the focus of the article by ticking the relevant check boxes. Please note that a minimum of one and a maximum of 4 focuses can be selected.
It is possible to add news links. Just copy and paste the source and/or website link in the right text box.
Enter one or multiple emails for the opinion article posting to be confirmed, this can be done so in confirmation email. Just make sure that in the privacy settings (under my account) the check box 'I want to receive account related emails' has been ticked.
Preview the article by clicking on the 'preview' button. If the article look good it can be published by clicking on 'save & continue' followed by 'publish article'. The article has now been published.
Please note: posting 'non-commercial' articles is free of charge. Posting 'sponsored articles' is a membership benefit and requires an active membership with credits. Without an active membership and credits you can post press releases on a one-off basis. 'Click here' for more information about memberships and credits.